Woody Allen Is Creepy AF About His Marriage To Soon-Yi In New Interview

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter published on Wednesday, Woody Allen has yet again waxed paternal about his marriage to wife (and former sort-of-adopted-daughter) Soon-Yi Previn. Spoiler alert: the entire interview is all kinds of creepy and condescending. Woody Allen and Soon-Yi Previn married each other in 1997. A bit of background: In 1992, Allen’s relationship with actress and activist Mia Farrow crumbled under the revelation that he had had an affair with her 21-year-old adopted daughter Soon-Yi Previn. Previn and Allen were married in 1997. More recently, in February of 2014, his adoptive daughter Dylan Farrow published a letter accusing Allen of sexually assaulting her when she was a child. The original accusations of this abuse in 1993 were “part of a sensational story about the celebrity split between Allen and his girlfriend, Mia Farrow,” according to letter’s introduction by Nicholas Kristof. Allen continued to make movies throughout both scandals, and his career and reputation have remained largely unscathed. In his most recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter, in anticipation of the premiere of his new film, “Cafe Society,” Allen was asked about how his wife has changed him. Perhaps unsurprisingly, he was quick to outline the ways in which he has changed her: Oh, well, one of the great experiences of my life has been my wife. She had a very, very difficult upbringing in Korea: She was an orphan on the streets, living out of trash cans and starving as a 6-year-old. And she was picked up and put in an orphanage. And so I’ve been able to really make her life better. I provided her with enormous opportunities, and she has sparked to them. She’s educated herself and has tons of friends and children and got a college degree and went to graduate school, and she has traveled all over with me now. She’s very sophisticated and has been to all the great capitals of Europe. She has just become a different person. So the contributions I’ve made to her life have given me more pleasure than all my films. Ignoring the fact that it was actually Mia Farrow who had adopted Soon-Yi with her then-husband André Previn — Allen did not heroically rescue her from Seoul’s trash cans as he implies — the interview serves as a reminder of the eerie role that Allen has played in the lives of his female family members. The Hollywood Reporter’s Stephen Galloway asked Allen twice more how Previn had changed him, before Allen finally answered: “Changed me? I don’t know if you could say she changed me... I might be the same person I was when I was 20.”


女性をモノのように扱わないで。 「女性はモノではない(Women Not Objects)」というプロジェクトが発表した強烈な動画は、コマーシャルや雑誌などの広告に描かれている女性像が、どれほど女性たちを苦しめているかを伝える。 「サイギャップ (太ももの間のすき間)」を手に入れるため太ももにラップを巻く女の子。モデルのカイリー・ジェンナーのようなぷっくりした唇になるために整形手術をする女の子。流行に煽られて必死に美しくなろうとする女の子たちの中には、取り返しのつかないダメージを受ける子たちもいる。 それだけではない。世界中で暴力やレイプの被害が後を絶たないが、広告の中には暴力を受けたり殺されたりした女性が描かれているものがある。まるで、レイプや暴力がいいことであるかのようだ。 動画で紹介されている16歳の少女は、目が覚めて自分が暴行されている写真をインターネットで目にするまで、レイプされたことに気が付かなかった。世間に氾濫する広告の影響がなかったといえるだろうか。 「広告の中での女性の描かれ方に、多くの人たちが嫌気がさしてる」。このメッセージを伝えるため、「女性はモノではない」が立ち上げたキャンペーンの中では、さまざまな人たちが「私は立ち向かう」というメッセージを掲げて、自分自身や、家族、友人、その他の多くの人たちのために闘う意志を表明している。 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::pic9.1:::::::::::::::: ひとりの女性は「女性をモノのように扱うことは、心理的、身体的、社会的に女性を傷つけると思う」と述べている。 女性をモノとして扱った広告は、消費者だけでなく広告主にとっても得にならない。それを動画は伝えている。


韓国で少なくとも95人が死亡した「加湿器殺菌剤」事件を巡り、韓国の2人の著名な大学教授が、製造メーカー側から金銭的な便宜を受けて、メーカーの意に沿った論文を発表した疑いが浮上。検察が捜査している。 聯合ニュースによると、ソウル中央地検特別捜査チームは5月4日午前、国立ソウル大学獣医学部の50代の教授を緊急逮捕し、この教授の研究室と、中西部の私立大学・湖西大学の60代の教授の研究室などを家宅捜索。実験日誌や研究記録が含まれたコンピュータのハードディスクなどを押収した。 5月2日、ソウルで謝罪会見したオキシー・レキットベンキーザー社の代表、アタ・シャフダー氏。発生から5年後にようやく謝罪したことに怒った遺族がつかみかかり、平手打ちを食らわせた。 韓国メディアが報じた経緯によると、イギリスの殺菌剤メーカーレキットベンキーザーの日本・韓国法人「オキシー・レキットベンキーザー」は、韓国政府の疾病管理本部が2011年8月に、加湿器殺菌剤を肺損傷のリスク要因と発表したことに反論するため、韓国で毒性学の権威だった両教授のチームに、原因物質とされたポリヘキサメチレングアニジン(PHMG)の吸入毒性試験を依頼した。両教授は、毒物学の分野で国内最高権威として知られる。 依頼を受けたソウル大の教授チームは3カ月かけて、妊娠したマウスと通常のマウスを使い、PHMGがどのような影響を与えるか実験した。教授は2011年11月14日、「妊娠したマウスの胎児は、15匹中13匹が死亡した」とする中間報告を、オキシー社に提出した。 しかし、オキシー社は教授に対し、妊娠したマウスの実験と、一般のマウスの実験を、別々の報告書にするよう求めた。対照実験の原則からすると異例の要求だが、教授はこれを受け入れ、2012年4月に別の報告書を作成。一般マウスの実験結果と「加湿器殺菌剤と肺疾患の因果関係は明確ではない」との内容が含まれていた。同社は一般マウスの報告書だけを正式に受け取った。 オキシー社に対する検察の捜査が本格化すると、同社は「因果関係が明確でない」とする後者の報告書だけを検察に任意提出したほか、この報告書をもとに、アメリカに本拠を置くコンサルティング会社に別の報告書作成を依頼。同社に対し遺族らが起こした民事訴訟にも反論資料として提出した。 オキシー社は、研究費としてソウル大に2億5000万ウォン(約2300万円)、湖西大学に1億ウォン(約920万円)をそれぞれ支払った。それとは別に、両教授の個人口座に数千万ウォンの諮問料も振り込んでおり、収賄や背任の疑いが持たれている。ソウル大の教授は、一部を私的に流用した疑いも報じられた。 5月2日、ソウルで謝罪会見したオキシー・レキットベンキーザー社の代表、アタ・シャフダー氏。 韓国日報の報道によると、韓国政府が「加湿器殺菌剤で肺の損傷がほぼ確実な」第1段階、または「可能性が高い」第2段階の患者は計221人。うち95人が死亡した。2013~15年に韓国政府が受理した被害件数は530人、うち143人が死亡している。 NGO「環境保健市民センター」がソウル大学と共同で実施した調査では、19歳以上の22%が加湿器殺菌剤を使用したことがあり、うち5人に1人が「呼吸器疾患など、健康被害があった」と答えていた。政府や民間の被害者調査は現在も続いており、被害者数は今後も増えるとみられる。

'Grayson Perry: All Man' - Channel 4 Show Exposes Pressures Of Modern Masculinity

Turner Prize-winning artist Grayson Perry has never conformed to stereotypical ideas around masculinity. In fact, the father-of-one is almost as famous for wearing a dress as his alter ego Claire as he is for creating mind-blowing pieces for art. For much of his life Grayson has been viewed as “different”, but he thinks men are a “stranger and more interesting bunch” than they let on. In new Channel 4 show ‘Grayson Perry: All Man’, the artist investigates what it means to be a man in 2016 and tries to get to the bottom of why suicide is the biggest killer of men under the age of 45. Throughout the series Grayson joins three “ultra-male” worlds to see what their extreme masculinity has to tell us about the changing expectations of all men in Britain today. In episode one he travels to the north of England - an area where male suicide is highest in the UK - to spend time with a group of MMA cage fighters, including Alex, Colin and Andy. He watches in awe as the men push their bodies to the extreme in the hope of defeating their next opponent. Alex, for example, doesn’t eat or drink for 24 hours before a big fight to ensure he’s the right weight. Grayson soon realises that the intense training regimes and bloody fights are a way for the fighters to escape the pressures of everyday life and let go of their bottled up emotions. “The people who look the hardest are not necessarily the hardest men,” he says. Later, the artist meets Thelma, whose son Daniel took his own life 18 months before they met, at the age of 30. Thelma describes her son as “fun loving” and “the life and soul of the party” and says his death came as a shock to everyone who knew him. “He would be the last person I would imagine who would take his own life,” she says. “I think he felt like he wanted to die in the moment but I don’t think he wanted to die forever.” When Grayson goes for drinks with some of Daniel’s friends, they also express their shock at his suicide. The young men say Daniel never opened up about his feelings, adding: “There’s a macho stigma surrounding being out with the lads, nobody wants to be seen as not being a man and everybody wants to be seen as being strong.” This culture of silence, Grayson realises, could be at the heart of why male suicide is reaching “epidemic” levels in the UK. “I don’t think men are always encouraged to be sensitive to themselves and to recognise that what they’re feeling is sadness. They’re not encouraged to notice what they’re feeling,” he says. “One thing that keeps coming up is that men have this kind of skin in a way. It’s their muscles, it’s their tattoos, it’s their bravado, it’s their banter. It’s all the things that we think of as masculine. “The weight of that very armour they build up in the end is quite a burden.”

Presidente da Comissão da Mulher votou some help de PL que dificulta aborto após estupro

leita presidente da Comissão de Defesa dos Direitos da Mulher, a deputada Gorete Pereira (PR-CE), é “contrária a qualquer tipo de aborto”. Na Comissão de Constituição e Justiça (CCJ), ela votou a favor do PL 5069/2013, que limita o atendimento a vítimas de violência sexual. Católica convicta, a parlamentar entende que a pílula do dia seguinte é um método abortivo. Pelo PL, mulheres vítimas de estupro precisarão comprovar o crime para terem acesso ao atendimento na rede pública de saúde. A criação da comissão foi duramente criticada por parte da bancada feminina e levou a deputada Luiza Erundina (PSOL-SP) a sentar na cadeira da Presidência da Câmara em protesto à atuação do titular, Eduardo Cunha (PMDB-RJ). Mesmo após o plenário decidir adiar a votação do projeto de resolução que criou o colegiado, o peemedebista manobrou e pautou o texto novamente. Parte da bancada feminina diz que a comissão esvazia o papel da Secretaria da Mulher. Já o caráter deliberativo foi limitado. Temas relativos ao aborto, como o Estatuto do Feto, não serão discutidos pelo colegiado. A justificativa é que a Comissão de Seguridade Social já analisa o assunto."Concordo (com a exclusão do assunto do escopo da comissão) porque como eu sou contra o aborto, assim não gera polêmica (na comissão)”, disse Gorete Pereira ao HuffPost Brasil. Publicidade Na prática, a comissão terá poucas funções. Tratará, por exemplo, de incentivo a programas voltados para a saúde da mulher e monitoramento das condições de trabalho. A presidente, contudo, defende o colegiado. “As mulheres são frágeis no corpo e também na alma, então tem de ter um olhar diferenciado para elas.” Segundo ela, as críticas partem de deputadas contrárias a Cunha e não têm a ver com a atuação da comissão em si. Com o discurso de defesa de pautas sociais, a parlamentar já teve outros papeis de destaque. No ano passado, foi relatora do PL 173/2015, que tipifica o crime de descumprimento de medidas protetivas na Lei Maria da Penha. A deputada Jandira Feghali (PCdoB-RJ) discorda. “Será uma meia comissão com meio poderes”, afirmou. Para ela, a retirada de temas como identidade de gênero do escopo do colegiado é um retrocesso e esvazia a comissão, cuja criação foi defendida por ela em 2015. De acordo com ela, Cunha descumpriu os acordos anteriores ao instalar o colegiado no formato atual, em um acordo com a bancada evangélica.

'가습기 살균제' 사태에 대한 박 대통령의 한 마디

박근혜 대통령은 28일 가습기 살균제 사건과 관련, "슬픈 사연들이 많은데 관계 기관들이 이 사건을 철저히 조사하고 억울한 피해자들이 제대로 구제받을 수 있도록 피해조사 추가 접수를 비롯한 필요한 조치를 취하기 바란다"고 밝혔다. 박 대통령은 이날 청와대에서 주재한 국무회의에서 "지난 2011년 발생한 가습기 살균제 사고로 많은 분들이 피해를 당했고, 특히 영유아들이 목숨을 잃어서 정말 안타까운 심정"이라고 말했다고 청와대가 서면브리핑을 통해 전했다. 박 대통령은 "어떤 어머니는 그게 아기에게 좋은 줄 알고 열심히 가습기를 틀어줬다고 한다. 얼마나 가슴이 아프겠는가"라고 말했다. 이어 "생활 화학제품 안전관리에 미흡한 부분은 없는지, 사각지대는 없는지 다시 한번 점거해서 미진한 부분은 조속히 보완하고, 재발방지에 최선을 다하기 바란다"고 주문했다.

총알을 막을 수 있는 캡틴 아메리카 방패를 진짜 만들었다(동영상)

영화 ‘캡틴 아메리카’ 시리즈에서 캡틴의 방패는 토니 스타크의 아버지가 만들었다. 토르의 망치질에도 부서지지 않는 이 방패의 재질은 ‘비브라늄’이라는 것인데, 블랙팬서의 나라인 와칸다에서 나는 물질이다. 그런데 혹시 현실에서 그의 방패처럼 총알을 막는 방패를 만들 수 있을까? \ 유튜브의 ‘Miculek.com- The Leaders in Gun Control!’채널은 실제 총알을 막을 수 있는 캡틴 아메리카의 방패를 만들었다며 소개했다. 이들이 비브라늄 대신 사용한 것은 ‘티타늄’이다. 가벼울 뿐만 아니라, 두께 또한 영화 속 방패처럼 구현할 수 있다고. 실험자는 마네킹에게 방패를 들게 한 후, 실제 총을 쏘아보았다. 캡틴의 방패처럼 아무런 흔적조차 남지 않을 정도로 강하지는 않지만, 정말 총알을 튕겨냈다. 2분 15초 부분부터 본격적인 실험을 볼 수 있다.