In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter published on Wednesday, Woody Allen has yet again waxed paternal about his marriage to wife (and former sort-of-adopted-daughter) Soon-Yi Previn. Spoiler alert: the entire interview is all kinds of creepy and condescending.
Woody Allen and Soon-Yi Previn married each other in 1997.
A bit of background: In 1992, Allen’s relationship with actress and activist Mia Farrow crumbled under the revelation that he had had an affair with her 21-year-old adopted daughter Soon-Yi Previn. Previn and Allen were married in 1997. More recently, in February of 2014, his adoptive daughter Dylan Farrow published a letter accusing Allen of sexually assaulting her when she was a child. The original accusations of this abuse in 1993 were “part of a sensational story about the celebrity split between Allen and his girlfriend, Mia Farrow,” according to letter’s introduction by Nicholas Kristof.
Allen continued to make movies throughout both scandals, and his career and reputation have remained largely unscathed. In his most recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter, in anticipation of the premiere of his new film, “Cafe Society,” Allen was asked about how his wife has changed him. Perhaps unsurprisingly, he was quick to outline the ways in which he has changed her:
Oh, well, one of the great experiences of my life has been my wife. She had a very, very difficult upbringing in Korea: She was an orphan on the streets, living out of trash cans and starving as a 6-year-old. And she was picked up and put in an orphanage. And so I’ve been able to really make her life better. I provided her with enormous opportunities, and she has sparked to them. She’s educated herself and has tons of friends and children and got a college degree and went to graduate school, and she has traveled all over with me now. She’s very sophisticated and has been to all the great capitals of Europe. She has just become a different person. So the contributions I’ve made to her life have given me more pleasure than all my films.
Ignoring the fact that it was actually Mia Farrow who had adopted Soon-Yi with her then-husband André Previn — Allen did not heroically rescue her from Seoul’s trash cans as he implies — the interview serves as a reminder of the eerie role that Allen has played in the lives of his female family members.
The Hollywood Reporter’s Stephen Galloway asked Allen twice more how Previn had changed him, before Allen finally answered: “Changed me? I don’t know if you could say she changed me... I might be the same person I was when I was 20.”

'Grayson Perry: All Man' - Channel 4 Show Exposes Pressures Of Modern Masculinity
Turner Prize-winning artist Grayson Perry has never conformed to stereotypical ideas around masculinity.
In fact, the father-of-one is almost as famous for wearing a dress as his alter ego Claire as he is for creating mind-blowing pieces for art.
For much of his life Grayson has been viewed as “different”, but he thinks men are a “stranger and more interesting bunch” than they let on.
In new Channel 4 show ‘Grayson Perry: All Man’, the artist investigates what it means to be a man in 2016 and tries to get to the bottom of why suicide is the biggest killer of men under the age of 45.
Throughout the series Grayson joins three “ultra-male” worlds to see what their extreme masculinity has to tell us about the changing expectations of all men in Britain today.
In episode one he travels to the north of England - an area where male suicide is highest in the UK - to spend time with a group of MMA cage fighters, including Alex, Colin and Andy.
He watches in awe as the men push their bodies to the extreme in the hope of defeating their next opponent. Alex, for example, doesn’t eat or drink for 24 hours before a big fight to ensure he’s the right weight.
Grayson soon realises that the intense training regimes and bloody fights are a way for the fighters to escape the pressures of everyday life and let go of their bottled up emotions.
“The people who look the hardest are not necessarily the hardest men,” he says.
Later, the artist meets Thelma, whose son Daniel took his own life 18 months before they met, at the age of 30.
Thelma describes her son as “fun loving” and “the life and soul of the party” and says his death came as a shock to everyone who knew him.
“He would be the last person I would imagine who would take his own life,” she says.
“I think he felt like he wanted to die in the moment but I don’t think he wanted to die forever.”
When Grayson goes for drinks with some of Daniel’s friends, they also express their shock at his suicide.
The young men say Daniel never opened up about his feelings, adding: “There’s a macho stigma surrounding being out with the lads, nobody wants to be seen as not being a man and everybody wants to be seen as being strong.”
This culture of silence, Grayson realises, could be at the heart of why male suicide is reaching “epidemic” levels in the UK.
“I don’t think men are always encouraged to be sensitive to themselves and to recognise that what they’re feeling is sadness. They’re not encouraged to notice what they’re feeling,” he says.
“One thing that keeps coming up is that men have this kind of skin in a way. It’s their muscles, it’s their tattoos, it’s their bravado, it’s their banter. It’s all the things that we think of as masculine.
“The weight of that very armour they build up in the end is quite a burden.”
Presidente da Comissão da Mulher votou some help de PL que dificulta aborto após estupro
'가습기 살균제' 사태에 대한 박 대통령의 한 마디
총알을 막을 수 있는 캡틴 아메리카 방패를 진짜 만들었다(동영상)
영화 ‘캡틴 아메리카’ 시리즈에서 캡틴의 방패는 토니 스타크의 아버지가 만들었다. 토르의 망치질에도 부서지지 않는 이 방패의 재질은 ‘비브라늄’이라는 것인데, 블랙팬서의 나라인 와칸다에서 나는 물질이다.
그런데 혹시 현실에서 그의 방패처럼 총알을 막는 방패를 만들 수 있을까? \
유튜브의 ‘ The Leaders in Gun Control!’채널은 실제 총알을 막을 수 있는 캡틴 아메리카의 방패를 만들었다며 소개했다. 이들이 비브라늄 대신 사용한 것은 ‘티타늄’이다. 가벼울 뿐만 아니라, 두께 또한 영화 속 방패처럼 구현할 수 있다고. 실험자는 마네킹에게 방패를 들게 한 후, 실제 총을 쏘아보았다. 캡틴의 방패처럼 아무런 흔적조차 남지 않을 정도로 강하지는 않지만, 정말 총알을 튕겨냈다. 2분 15초 부분부터 본격적인 실험을 볼 수 있다.
‘캡틴 아메리카 : 시빌워' 감독, "마블에서 LGBT 슈퍼히어로의 등장 가능성은 매우 높다."
안소니 루소와 조 루소는 ‘캡틴 아메리카: 시빌워’를 연출한 형제 감독이다. (안소니 루소가 형이다.) 그들은 ‘캡틴 아메리카 : 윈터 솔져’도 연출했고, 이제 ‘어벤져스: 인피니티 워 Part I’과 ‘어벤져스: 인피니티 워 Part II’를 연출할 예정이다.
anthony russo
이들은 최근 ‘콜리더닷컴’과의 인터뷰에서 ‘마블 시네마틱 유니버스’에 “LGBT 캐릭터가 등장할 가능성이 있는가?”란 질문을 받았다. 이에 대해 조 루소 감독은 이렇게 답했다.
“가능성이 높다고 생각한다. 대중에게 어필하는 영화를 만드는 우리 스토리텔러들의 임무는 대중에게 어필하는 영화를 만드는 것, 그리고 다양성을 가능한 한 많이 포함하는 것이다. 헐리우드가 다른 업계에 비해 현저히 뒤처지고 있는 것은 슬프다. 첫째, 모르는 사람들은 영화계가 진보적일 거라고 생각하기 때문이다. 둘째, 영화계는 훤히 드러나는 업계이기 떄문이다. 그래서 나는 우리가 모든 각도로 다양성을 추구해야 한다고 생각한다. 그러면 스토리텔링이 더 흥미롭고, 풍부하고, 진실해지기 떄문이다.”
인터뷰 당시 콜리더 닷컴의 스티브 웨인트라우브는 또 하나의 질문을 더했다. "LGBT 캐릭터가 등장할 경우, 중국이나 러시아처럼 성 소수자들을 배척하는 나라에서의 박스오피스 성적이 위험하지 않겠냐"는 질문이었다. 이번에는 형인 안소니 루소 감독이 답변했다.
“난 성공하면 위험 부담을 지기가 더 쉬워진다는 게 마블의 철학이라고 생각한다. ‘시빌 워’에는 수퍼히어로 영화에 대한 사람들의 기대와 다른, 색다른 아이디어가 많이 들어갔지만, ‘윈터 솔져’가 성공했고, 마블 영화들이 전반적으로 잘 됐기 때문에 더 과감한 시도, 과감한 방향을 선택할 수 있게 됐다. 나는 우리 모두가 점점 더 과감한 선택들을 하는 방향으로 나갈 가능성이 아주 크다고 본다.”
'콜리더 닷컴'은 이 문제를 이미 집요하게 물어본 바 있었다. 지난 2015년 6월, 미국에서 동성결혼이 법제화 되었을 때도 마블 스튜디오의 수장인 케빈 파이기에게 "언제쯤 마블 영화에서 LGBT 캐릭터가 등장할 것 같냐"고 물어봤던 것이다. 당시 '앤트맨'의 개봉 관련 기자회견에서 케빈 파이기는 "아마도 앞으로 10년 안에는 가능할 것 같다"고 말했다. 당시 그가 밝힌 이유는 "코믹스의 이야기가 약 5년에서 10년 후 영화로 만들어지기 때문"이라는 것이었다. 이미 마블 코믹스에는 LGBT 캐릭터가 꽤 많다. '마블 위키아 닷컴'에서 어떤 성소수자 캐릭터가 있는지 살펴보자.
Widely inclusive Photos Show The Aftermath Of Japan's Twin Earthquakes
Southern Japan is attempting to recoup in the repercussions of two savage quakes.
Japan is so far reeling after two important seismic tremors on April 14 and 16 — sizes 6.5 and 7.3 independently — hit the Kumamoto prefecture with barely a respite in the middle of on the southern island of Kyushu. It's the most crushing basic disaster the country has seen taking after the tremor and wave that struck Japan in March 2011, leaving 22,000 people dead and missing.
Forty-eight people were killed and another 263 people were hurt in the present month's seismic tremors and in their repercussions, according to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's office. There was enormous mischief to Kumamoto's system: 1,527 houses were destroyed.
The photos underneath were taken in Mashiki — one of the towns hit the hardest — a week after the tremor.
The dividers inside the town hall were part. The essential activity room was prohibited, its windows still broke. An extensive part of the structures around had kept up great damage.
The town coordinated an emergency danger review not long after the second seismic tremor hit on April 17, and orchestrated 209 structures (62.6 percent of the total building stock) to be "hazardous," according to Japanese step by step every day paper Nishinippon.
Powers have advised that the spreading out post-shake tremors — humbler seismic tremors that take after the guideline shiver — may achieve additional damage to the weakened structures. It would thusly be unsafe to begin rebuilds on obliterated structures.
The forces have focused on exhausting people in the Kumamoto and Oita prefectures. About 50,000 people are presently living in upwards of 500 clearing covers, Bloomberg reports.
Occupants of the shake hit Mashiki town feel stuck. The gloriousness salon that 63 year-old Yoko Yoshimoto ran has separated, and her home has overseen gigantic damage. She is at this moment living with each of the seven people from her family in one of the available havens.
"I've lost my home and my work. Beginning now, I am thankful just to have the capacity to rests, and to have the capacity to make tracks in an inverse heading from the storm and wind," Yoshimoto said, smiling and eating curry supplied by help aces in the square opposite the town way.
No ifs ands or buts, even occupants who haven't lost their homes feel that its hard to look ahead. Mii Tomomura, 37, stresses that yielded repercussions could cover her home. Her family has been resting in her auto. Like Tomomura, diverse people are picking to spend the night times in their vehicles, either out of apprehension of being inside, or to avoid the nonappearance of assurance and crowdedness in clearing covers.
Her little girl's school was shut in the inescapable consequence of the tremor, and it is misty when it will restore. "She has exams this year, and was foreseeing her school's diversions party in May. I don't see what to do," she said.
This post at initially showed up on HuffPost Japan and has been deciphered into English.
สาวไต้หวันขอสวยผ่านแอพฯ แต่งรูปหนักมากจนมีสะพรึง.....[MV]
เซ็กซี่แพนเค้ก อาการยังน่าห่วง หมอตัดชิ้นเนื้อองคชาตตรวจ 2 ครั้ง....[Video]
สุดอนาถ !! รู้จากกันตาม FACEBOOK นัดเจอกัน ต่อมา ข้างชายนำเข้าป่าเสร็จข่มขืนฆ่าอย่างโหดมาก (ช่วยกัน แชร์ต่อด้วยนะค่ะ) ......]]]]]]]
ขอให้การตายของน้องเป็นสิ่งเตือนใจสาวๆอีกหลายคนนะคะอย่านัดเจอคนที่ไม่รู้จักดีพอ รักใครชอบใครน้องๆต้องตะหนักไว้ว่าถ้าไปเจอเขาแล้วจะได้กลับมาไหม น้องอย่าไว้ใจใครง่าย เราสงสารน้องคนนี้จัง สู่สุคตินะ ถ้าเป็นไปได้วินญาณของน้องช่วยให้ตำรวจตามจับคนที่ฆ่าน้องเร็วๆนะคะ พี่ขอไว้อาลัยกับการจากไปของน้อง โลกออนไลร์ น่ากลัวกว่าที่น้องคิดเยอะระวัง



ขอให้การตายของน้องเป็นสิ่งเตือนใจสาวๆอีกหลายคนนะคะอย่านัดเจอคนที่ไม่รู้จักดีพอ รักใครชอบใครน้องๆต้องตะหนักไว้ว่าถ้าไปเจอเขาแล้วจะได้กลับมาไหม น้องอย่าไว้ใจใครง่าย เราสงสารน้องคนนี้จัง สู่สุคตินะ ถ้าเป็นไปได้วินญาณของน้องช่วยให้ตำรวจตามจับคนที่ฆ่าน้องเร็วๆนะคะ พี่ขอไว้อาลัยกับการจากไปของน้อง โลกออนไลร์ น่ากลัวกว่าที่น้องคิดเยอะระวัง
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